Monday, February 17, 2014

JoBs For FashioN BloGgers

Fashion Publicist

Much in the way that former fashion editors are behind some of the top agencies in the country, fashion bloggers have a unique perspective when it comes to working on the other side of the fence, as we sometimes say. You understand the relationship between brands and media, you have a knack for coming up with story ideas and strategies that appeal to other bloggers, and you have the digital savvy to stand out among other applicants. If you’re interested in finding out if a job in public relations is right for you, sign up for the next Fashion PR Confidential workshopin NYC in late October (enter to win our scholarship slot  and attend for free when you apply by September 12).

Blog Ghostwriter

Here’s a secret: not all companies write their own blog content. In fact, many outsource blog article to their PR or marketing agency, or to a freelancer. I supplement my income quite nicely each month by penning a few articles for different companies. As a fashion blogger, you can easily move into different verticals by taking what you know about article research, writing for a social audience, SEO (keywords and headlines), and clearly explaining different concepts and ideas by becoming a freelance writer for different company blogs.

Fashion Copywriter

My first entry-point to working in fashion was to write the product description for hundreds of different jewelry pieces for a large ecommerce website. As a blogger you are well-versed in what words captivate interest, latest trends and writing irresistible headlines. As a fashion copywriter you are tasked with everything from the words on a website banner to the descriptions that accompany the pages of a catalog.

Social Media Strategist

While social media is no longer the new kid on the marketing block, there are still a ton of companies who have no idea what Pinterest is. As a blogger you understand how to use different social platforms to grow community, drive traffic and grow your brand awareness. As a social media strategist for a digital agency, you are responsible for making sure your clients products and services are being written about, talked about and that the number of people who “opt-in” to be a part of that company’s social properties increases month over month.

Trend Consultant

Fashion is just one part of your lifestyle, and if part of your expertise as a fashion blogger is to know about trends before they happen, understand where they are coming from, and predict what it all means in a cultural context, you could have great success as a trend consultant. As a trend consultant, you may host focus groups with women from all over the world on behalf of a department store, issue reports or be paid the big bucks to come in and present to executives about how emerging trends are affecting consumer purchasing behaviour.

Community Manager

Imagine working for one of your favorite companies or brands – from Virgin America to Modcloth–  in charge of making sure that all social customers were having a great time engaging with and chatting up that company. Part customer service, part hostess, community manager positions are great ways to do what you are already doing for your readership, just on a larger scale.

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